CTR is making continuous innovation for employees,
customers, and society and at all times practicing
for a safe world.

CTR Story


In memory of you: The withdrawal of the CTR ASAN plant. 22-09-01


On Aug. 25., There was a small event associated with the withdrawal of the CTR Asan plant.

CTR's top executives, members of the Asan plant, CTR members who have worked at the Asan plant, related workers, and retired leaders gathered together to commemorate the withdrawal of the Asan plant. In this event, all the participants took a look at the history of the Asan plant, and the members of the current and former Asan plant who dedicated their passion to the existence of the current Asan plant got presented with an "appreciation plaque.”


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Lastly, the participants looked around the production site on the first and second floors. They said good bye to the site where they dedicated 18 years, recalling the memory of implementing the first metal sheet line, which is the beginning of the CTR’s driving parts, and the memory of the assembly of CTR's first chassis module.

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Kim Kyu-man, the former head of CTR Technical Center, who was invited to the event said, "Generally, a withdrawal of business is recognized as a bad word, so it is not common to hold such an event. It is very CTR-like and beautiful to take time to thank our members and plant for their dedication, to encourage their new beginnings, and pray for their leap for the future.”


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The Asan plant was finally closed on Aug. 31., and it will be sold to another company at the end of December this year. We know the CTR members and partners contributed to this beautiful finale.
It was fun and happy to be with you. I'll remember all the moments with you. Good bye. CTR Asan plant.

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